Luke 24:32 And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?
When is the last time your heart burned within you concerning the things of Christ? I speak of that feeling deep within your soul that you know that you are hearing from your Creator and Redeemer. This fire alerts you to take notice. Christ is in your midst. I speak of that flame within your heart that in the same moment warms you with comfort while simultaneously it is burning unnecessary chaff from your life. Sadly, many who call themselves Christians have not sensed the heart burning of Christ’s words for years. Their faith has become mechanical and mundane. Christianity has been reduced down to a series of disciplines and a cultural identity. It has become mere religion, yet this fire from the soul is rooted in relationship with the Almighty God and the Blessed Savior: a relationship whereby you can hear His voice and experience His presence. Although the disciples of Emmaus did not recognize His face they heard His voice and His word. One’s appearance is external, but relationship is internal. The words from the internal soul of Christ reached deep within the internal soul of the disciples and burned deeply. They knew something was different. Yes, Christ was in their presence. We should all long to be in such a relationship with Christ that we can hear His words and they burn within our hearts. Nothing is sweeter and nothing is more life changing. Religion speaks to the mind. Relationship speaks to the heart, the seat of our passion. Let us all yearn for hearts aflame from the presence of our Jesus.
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