And David said, What have I now done? Is there not a cause?
---1Samuel 17:29
Someone once said, “Until a person has something he is willing to die for, then that person has not yet began to live.” David had a cause and this cause was greater than himself; a cause he was willing to die for. The thing young David cherished even more than his own life was the honor of the name of the Lord his God. When reproach was made against his God’s name David considered it his duty and responsibility to defend it even to the grave. It mattered not that David was a mere lad compared to this great warrior of the Philistines and a giant of a man who was mocking the God of Israel. His cause was much bigger than himself.
The army of Israel had no such cause. Instead, they placed their personal lives and well-being in higher regard than the name of the Lord God. Therefore, they shook in fear not willing to risk their lives even though the adversary was daily railing against their God. They lived for nothing larger than themselves and as a result could not see beyond their own selfish desires. This is not living, but only existing.
How small and shallow is life if it is no greater than ourselves? David lived with a cause and thus he lived. Let us do the same. There is simply no greater cause than to live our lives honoring the name of Jesus, our God and Creator and the Blessed Redeemer. Our Lord’s cause, the redemption of mankind, was bigger than himself and not even the cross and the grave could deter Him. He died for you and me, therefore, when we hear His name being mocked, see His morals being trampled upon, and His honor being ridiculed, should we not like David say, “Is there not a cause?” Stand up for Christ and begin to taste the blessing of living.
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