Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Chasing the Ghost

Ecclesiastes 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

There is a phrase in the drug culture called “Chasing the ghost.” This expression alludes to the process that drives casual drug users into the dark world of abuse. The first time experience or “high” of some drugs delivers a pinnacle of ecstasy which will never be experienced again. Yet, this first time encounter is so powerful that it drives a person into more usage seeking to regain that elusive initial ecstasy (the ghost) all over again. The pursuit of this ghost drives him/her deeper and deeper into drug abuse. Sadly, many Christians live their lives in the same manner. They spend much of their productive lives chasing a past experience which they desire to be duplicated or an illusive idol which falsely promises to deliver spiritual and/or material ecstasy. Solomon, the preacher of Ecclesiastes chased the ghosts of materialism, works and pleasure only to find emptiness. “All is vanity” cried the exasperated ghost seeker and as a result of honest observation he made the astute conclusion that chasing the ghost is foolishness. He finally realized that a fulfilled life can be obtained and experienced day after day not by chasing a ghost but by simply, “Fearing God and keeping His commandments.”

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