Monday, August 10, 2009

Secret Sins

Psalm 90:8 You have set our iniquities before You, our secret sins in the light of Your presence.

How foolish are we to try to hide our sins from God. We are quite good at hiding sins from man. We become masters of deception. We have some sins that will inevitably come out, but there are always those few, those secret sins we guard almost as precious treasures. No one else knows about them. Even our most intimate acquaintances are not invited into this private part of our lives. These secret sins are brought out and petted during our times of aloneness. We justify ourselves by thinking “No one else knows, therefore this sin cannot be so bad.” But God knows. When we stand in the light of His presence out secret sins will be revealed. There will be no place to hide them. There, in the presence of God, they will be exposed. Oh that we might confess those sins to God. Then and only then will they be covered by the blood of Christ. Then they will be forgiven and washed away.

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