Ps 13:1 How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever?
How long will you hide your face from me?
2 How long must I take counsel in my soul
and have sorrow in my heart all this day?
How long shall my enemy be exalted over me?
5 But I have trusted in your steadfast love (chesed);
my heart shall rejoice in your salvation
6 I will sing to the Lord, because he
has dealt bountifully with me. ESV
David had found himself in a season of life that he felt forsaken by the Lord whom he so dearly loved. Day by day passed by and prayer after prayer had seemed to go unanswered. David began to wobble in his faith and in the midst of his pain cried out time and again. “How long, O Lord?” Life’s circumstances began to overwhelm and he could not help to think, “Where is my God?” Yet, in the midst of the pain and the questions David chose to look beyond his circumstances and to look unto God. He focused on God’s chesed, His steadfast love. Although he at times “felt” forsaken he was assured that the Lord would never forsake him. He found hope and joy in God’s eternal salvation, because when you have Christ you have everything. Whatever circumstances may bring trouble, these will one day pass away. The Lord’s salvation will never fail. As David remembered the countless blessings the Lord had bestowed on him his heart broke out in song and no longer did he question, “How long?” David was honest in his struggle, but found peace in the steadfast love of God. O what a difference our focus makes. Who has not found himself in the same place of struggles as David and asked the same question, “How long?” Life is tough and there will be times that God does not respond to our cries in our time table. Just as David we must look past the struggle and look to Jesus.
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